Import, Beli, Jual & Ternak Kambing Boer ; Reka & Bina Kandang


The History of Boer Goats

The History of Boer Goats
(An excerpt from the book, Raising Meat Goats for Profit by Gail Bowman.)

Boer goats come to us from South Africa. The earliest recorded goats in Africa were brought to western Uganda by the Black Nations as early as AD 1200. Boer goats were developed in Southern Africa by breeding these ‘indigenous’ stock to European imports. The point, of course, was to have a hardy, very adaptable, meat animal that could survive the varied conditions of the African landscape while still maintaining a high birth rate, high survival rate, and a marketable meat carcass.

Researchers have had little luck pinning down an exact line of decent for the modern Boer goat. Early breeders include such varied and inexact groups as the "Southern Bantu" people, the Namaqua Hottentots, the Indians (from India) and Europeans. "Boer" means "farm" in Dutch.i

By the beginning of the 20th century, however, the breed was becoming much more distinct as the ranchers in the Eastern Cape Province of Africa started breeding for a definite meat type goat with many of the Boer characteristics that we recognize today. The late Mr T. B. Jordaan of Buffelsfontein, Somerset East, stated in the first journal of the South African Boer Goat Breeders’ Association published in 1959, that his father, Mr. W. G. Jordaan, bought some goats from Mrs. Van de Venter of Somerset East. These goats were short haired and had light red heads. At the same time he bought a very large dapple-colored male goat from Mr. I. B. van Heerden of Kaalplass, Cradock. From these goats, some of the earliest breeding stock was developed.ii

On July 4th, 1959, breeding and selection became regulated by the foundation of the Boer Goat Breeder's Association (of South Africa). In the past forty years, the breed standards of this association have helped to guide and mold the Boer goat into an "improved" breed emphasizing good overall conformation, a compact and well muscled body structure, high growth and fertility rates, short white hair, darkly pigmented skin, and red markings on the head and shoulders. In 1970 the Boer goat was incorporated into the National Mutton Sheep and Goat Performance Testing Scheme, which makes the Boer goat the only known goat breed involved in a performance test for meat production.iii

In 1977, the Boer goat was imported into Germany. In 1987 Lancorp Corporation Ltd. imported Boers into New Zealand, and in 1988 they were imported into Australia. The first Boer embryos to reach the North American Continent were implanted into recipient does at Olds College in Canada. These goats stayed in quarantine until April 1993, when Boers were released into the United States and Canada. In New Zealand, three main parties were involved in the importation of South African Boer Goats: Lancorp Corporation Ltd., Embryotech Corporation, and African Goat Flock Co. In Australia the major importer was Australian Breeding Management Pty Ltd. 2

Since 1987 the Boer goat has been imported by New Zealand, Canada, Germany, Mexico, Australia, Indonesia, England, India, France, Malaysia, Denmark, British West Indies, Netherland Antilles, and virtually every state in the United States.

Boer Goats:
What and Why?

I raise Boer Goats in the Northwestern United States. Why? Why not raise cattle or sheep like most people? Hopefully, this article will answer those questions and many more that you may have about the fastest growing agricultural industry in the United States: Boer Goats!

First of all, what is a Boer Goat? Boer goats are large framed animals resembling, in many ways, the Nubian goat. The most obvious difference is the size. A Boer is a large, double muscled animal. Boers are specifically meat goats. They can consistently produce more muscling in less time, and will pass this capability to their kids. Boers are to the meat goat industry what imported cattle were to the beef industry. Boers goats were developed in South Africa for their meat, hardiness and brush control abilities.

What do Boer goats look like? As I said before, they are large animals, generally white with a reddish brown head and (usually) a white blaze down the middle of the face. Solid red Boer goats are also becoming more and more popular. Mature weights between 200 and 350 pounds for males and 120 to 200 pounds for females are considered normal. They have long ears that should hang down along the sides of their faces. The leg bones and general bone structure of a Boer goat are bigger and thicker than in other kinds of goats. When you look at a Boer goat you should look for a deep, broad chest, good back, strong shoulders and heavy muscling in the rump.

Boers are hardy, adaptable and easy to handle. I use a simple three sided structure to give my goats shelter from the sun, wind and snow. However, my Boers often don't use it. They seem to be very happy lying out in the sun on 90 to 100 degree days (their skin is darkly pigmanted under the white fur to reduce the risk of sun burn). The Boers in my herd have also been known to sleep outside down to about 10 degrees, rather than curl up in the goat house with the rest of the herd. I have also noticed that Boers aren't as interested in jumping fences as dairy goats. I have found that any kind of mesh fencing or electric fence, at least 3 or 4 feet tall will confine my Boers.

There are many other kinds of animals that produce meat in the United States. Many that are widely accepted and that we are more accustomed to raising than Boer goats. So, why raise Boer goats? One reason is efficiency of feed and space. The accepted standard in the Northwest for raising cattle is one cow-calf pair per acre of good pasture. With goats, the equal comparison would be six does with two kids each per acre. Ten months after breeding, a cow is nursing a 75 pound calf. Ten months after breeding to a Boer buck, six dairy or spanish goats will have raised 12 kids (a goat's gestation period is 5 months), and the kids will have been sold. Boer cross kids reach a market weight of 50 to 90 pounds at about 5 months of age. (A weight gain of .5 pounds a day (or more) in cross bred kids is not considered unusual). If we use a market weight of 60 pounds, at $1 per pound, these 12 kids sold for $720. The same six does were then rebred 60 to 90 days after the kids were born and are now 60 days pregnant ten months after the first breeding!

At the end of 18 months, the cow should be pregnant again, and her calf is ready to be sold for $325 (in current market conditions here in the Northwest). The six does have kidded again with another 12 kids (plus the does would be pregnant again) who are now 5 months old and ready to be sold for another $720. Feed cost comparisons between one cow and six goats would vary greatly, depending on the time of year, type of pasture and area of the country. It may cost a little more to feed the six does than the single cow, but the difference in the sales ($1440 - $325 = $1115 more gross sales) certainly makes up the difference. Plus you don't need expensive squeeze chutes, and it is easier to own a buck than a bull or to artificially inseminate a doe than a cow.

If you have 10 acres, you can easily raise 60 goats or ten head of cattle. Goats, especially Boers or Boer crosses, can survive, even prosper, on poor pasture and brush that would not support cattle. Many breeders find the fact that goats will eat berry bushes, russian olive, elm or cottonwood trees, ragwort, gorse, dock, amerauthis and other weeds, to be an important factor when deciding to raise goats. Some ranchers also find it good pasture management to run goats on the pasture after their cows to clean up the weeds.

Goat meat has a lower fat content than either lamb or beef and is eaten by over 80% of the world's population. Already, the popularity of goat meat in the United Sates is rising dramatically. One reason might be the improved flavor that the Boer adds to the meat. We have found that adding just 50% Boer bloodlines to our goat meat produces a very mild and tender, light red meat that readily takes on any seasoning we have tried. Breeders have reported that their kids are ready for market sooner, and their customers will actually pay them a premium for their meat goats if they add Boer blood to their herd!

Many people raise milk goats because they love goats. But it has been said that it takes less time to feed 100 goats than to milk 10! More and more people, like myself, want to buy a small piece of land and raise a few animals, but not an animal that is going to run over me or break my foot if it steps on me. What do you do if you don't especially want to milk, can't stand the smell of pigs, the mess of rabbits, or the stupidity of sheep? Thousands of people have found meat goats to be the perfect answer.

How do you get started? There are as many answers to that question as there are breeders. A meat herd should have a Boer or Boer-cross buck or two, and as many dairy, spanish or mixed-breed does as you want to raise. I definitely recommend buying your goats from reputable breeders rather than the stock yard auctions. Most people find that the loss from diseases brought home from the stock yards more than make up for the lower prices. Your Boer or Boer cross buck should be papered. Blood lines may not be important to your meat herd, but a registration paper is your only way of being reasonably sure that you received what you paid for, or maintaining the resale value of your buck!

If you just want to raise a few breeding animals, rather than a large meat herd, my best advice is to know the breeder you are buying from! Never buy breeding stock from a truck that is just passing through! Always have a pedigree or pedigree application in your hand when you leave the ranch with your animal. Ask about disease control programs. Take a look at the condition of the whole herd, ask to see related animals that have reached maturity (if you are buying kids), and make sure that your breeder intends to guarantee your purchase should the animal turn out to be a non-breeder (a very rare situation in goats). The vast majority of breeders are in the business of raising animals because they love the animals, and are truely trying to do a great job. Find one of these to buy your breeding stock from! Boer goats are fun to raise and can be very loving animals. Enjoy

Why Should You Raise Meat Goats?

Why Should You Raise Meat Goats?
by Gail Bowman

The demand for `chevon', or `cabrito', or `goat meat' in the United States is so high that producers can't keep up. Because of this vacuum, much of the goat meat sold in the United States is imported from New Zealand or Australia. About 1.5 million pounds of goat meat is imported every week. And demand just keeps growing.

Much of the demand is generated by the changing ethnic demographics of the continent. About 63% of the red meat consumed worldwide is goat! Much of the goat meat demand in the United States comes from ethnic groups that include Middle Eastern, Asian, African, Latin American and Caribbean heritage. Most of these groups buy goat meat whenever they can find it, and they are willing to pay better prices for higher quality meat.

What is so special about chevon (goat meat)? Many people have digestive problems that require a careful diet. The molecular structure of chevon is different than that of other meats. Therefore, chevon digests more easily. It is also a low fat, good tasting alternative to chicken or fish. I am one of those people who have to watch what they eat. I can eat chicken, some kinds of fish, turkey and chevon. I prefer chevon from an animal that is at least 75% Boer. The Boer influence changes the taste of the meat to a milder, more veal-like flavor. When you have as few choices in your diet as I do, you learn what you like. I have not had the opportunity to try Kiko or Fainting goat meat. My comparisons are with dairy goat meat.

The Direct Market Niche and the Commercial Meat Herd In our area, if you put out the word that you have meat goats for sale, you usually have enough calls to sell your animals right off your ranch. I get about $1.00 per pound on the hoof. I have had other breeders tell me that they can get more for goats with Boer blood. This is a good example of one way to market your goats - find a profitable direct market niche.

One of the most popular market niches in the meat goat industry today is the direct market. A `direct market' is a group or type of buyer that will come directly to your ranch to buy from you, for a specific reason. There are many direct market niches for meat goats. I have already suggested one type of direct market niche: the ethnic meat market. Another direct market niche involves the growing trend in the 4-H and FFA clubs to raise meat goats. One of the most profitable direct market niches supplies Chevon to the local restaurants that are serving an ethnic clientele. Another direct market niche is the market for meat breeding stock. Commercial meat breeders will usually pay about double, for breeding stock, what you might have expected to receive for the same animal by the pound.

Many breeders are now working together, in cooperatives or associations, to meet large commercial sales contracts. These contracts supply the meat markets on the east and west coasts of the United States, and require a supply of high numbers of animals, of a consistent quality, on a regular basis. At this time, much of the meat for these contracts is being imported because there just are not enough meat goats in the United States to supply the contracts.

In many areas of the country, slaughter houses are being constructed specifically for goat meat. However, almost none of the goats being processed at these facilities are actually meat type goats. There are just not enough meat goats being raised, which are not pre-sold to direct markets, to supply a production facility.

Fullblood Meat Goats

There are several types of 'meat' goats: Boer goats, Tennessee Fainting Goats, Kiko goats, and 'Spanish' goats. However, only three of these are true breeds with breed associations and standardized meat breed characteristics. These are the Boers, Kikos and Tennessee Fainting goats. The 'Spanish' goats are an indigenous goat of the southern United States. There are a couple of breeders who have done a terrific job of breeding these animals up into a very good meat animal. However, no registry or breed standards have been developed at the time of this printing.

Boer goats are large framed animals resembling, in many ways, the Nubian goat. The most striking difference between a Boer goat and any other type of goat you may have seen, is the size. A Boer is a large, double muscled animal developed in Southern Africa specifically for meat and hardiness. They can consistently produce more muscling in less time than any other breed of goat, and will pass this capability to their kids. Boers are vibrantly colored and relatively uniform throughout. They are easy to raise, have mild temperaments, are affectionate, require no milking, no special care, no shearing, and no fancy fences. Boers and Boer crosses also have huge rumen capacity. The Boer goats were developed to clear land that was too difficult to be cleared by humans. They spend a lot more time grazing than other types of goats do. One reason for this, is that they are out grazing in the heat of the day when dairy goats are wilting in the shade. They are also out grazing when the snow is blowing across the pasture. They will graze and thrive on ground that will not support dairy goats without supplementation.

The Kiko goat is a recent development of a New Zealand company called "Goatex Group LLC". These hardy goats were developed as a result of a government funded project to get the native goat population in New Zealand under control. As part of this project, in the 1970's, many goats were hunted and killed, and thousands more were captured to cross with angoras. Some of the native goats confined during this project exhibited enhanced characteristics for growth and meat production. The members of Goatex isolated these animals and began to cross them with hair and milk goats to find a combination that would yield the best results in both hardiness and meat carcass production. The resulting breed was called "Kiko" meaning "meat for consumption" in Maori.

Fainting goats are not huge animals. They average between 17 and 25 inches tall, and weigh between 50 and 165 pounds. They come in a wide variety of coats and colors, with long ears that stand out to the sides of their heads. Fainting goats have very distinctive 'bulgy' eyes. Several breeders have spent a lot of time and energy breeding this basic breed up into an 'improved' meat goat that is larger and heavier and crosses well with Boers.

Fullblood breeding animals are a whole different industry from the meat production industry. However, the two are very closely tied. When you take a look at what you want to raise, you might consider adding at least a few quality fullbloods to your operation. If the meat industry in your area blooms and expands, there will be more demand for good fullblood meat goats. We are heading into an era of serious meat production.

In all livestock industries, there is a place for the good registered herd sire. These animals must be proven to be fertile and prolific, adaptable, disease free, and have the meat and muscle characteristics that will add productivity to a commercial meat herd. It may be a good idea to consider whether or not you want to make the initial investment to start a good breeding stock herd. Or, alternatively, add a few breeding stock to your meat herd, or some meat production stock to your fullblood herd. The two types are not mutually exclusive. As a matter of fact, one usually leads to the other. If you start with a meat herd, but have to add a fullblood herd sire, sometimes you will also be tempted to buy a fullblood doe to go with him. Then you are suddenly producing herd sires for your neighbors. This is a good idea, because one good fullblood sale a year can pay nearly 1/5th of your feed costs for a year (if you are raising 50 goats).

What are the prices on fullblood meat goats expected to be in the long run? Many things will affect the answer to that question. I know a couple who breed fullblood registered angus cattle. How many rural communities have plenty of cattle? How can these people make their money? They market. They have big production sales where breeders come from all over the world, or tie into a satellite link, to buy their stock. I believe that there will always be top breeding stock. People that advertise, raise quality disease free animals, and let the meat producers know they are out there, will always have a market.

As in all industries, the price you will be able to get for good fullblood stock will depend on the quality of your animals and the effectiveness of your advertising. If you do not want to market, you will probably be able to sell your fullbloods to your neighbors at about $250 each, indefinitely. If you are well known, and advertise, and you have animals that make the buyer's head turn, you will probably always be able to get at least $800 for your fullblood meat goats. At the time of this printing the prices for good fullblood stock are about double that amount, and are actually going up. These prices have been stable for three years now, and the market seem to indicate that they will remain firm in the future.

Whether you are interested in raising goats for meat or for breeding, or some combination of the two, meat goats, and goat meat, are here to stay. The market is increasing and expanding, and shows no signs of slowing down. You don't need a lot of specialized equipment to raise meat goats, and you can reasonably plan to raise about 6 does with their kids per acre of good edible vegetation. As an industry, meat goats are replacing beef, hogs and dairy herds nation wide. Meat goats are the newest and fastest growing small acreage industry in the United States.

This article is an excerpt from the new book, Raising Meat Goats for Profit by Gail Bowman.


  • 作者 来源: 日期:2007-12-28 11:17:48
  • 出自于《波尔山羊网》
波尔山羊的发展趋势图片 波尔山羊是当今世界上最著名的大型肉用山羊品种。它原产于南非,现已分布于澳大利亚、新西兰、德国等世界各地,数量已达500万头以上。具有繁殖力强、生 长快、体格大、产肉多、肉质好、皮板优、遗传性稳定、适应性广和杂交改良地方山羊效果显著等特点。6月龄即可配种受胎,2年产3胎,也可1年产2胎,胎产 1~3只,有时高达4~5只:平均产羔率每胎达200%左右,每年达300%左右;体重母羊可达60~80千克,公羊可达90~130千克,体重可提高 20%~30。在世界羊业品种中,波尔山羊体型大、产肉多、效益佳,被人们誉为“世界肉用山羊之父”,各国都纷纷将其作为肉山羊生产的终端杂交父系品种来 引种、利用。我国有山羊1.7亿多只,其中,除了奶用、绒用、皮用和毛用山羊之外,生产水平低下的肉用山羊及普通山羊就占了1亿多只。这些羊需要提高产肉 性能或向肉用方向发展,要达到此目的高必须进行杂交改良,要杂交改良就必须要有父系良种。而我国虽然从数量上看是一个养羊大国,但是从品质上看却是一个良 种奇缺的养羊弱国,因此,我单位便从1995年开始不断地从国外引进波尔山羊。尽管其存栏数量目前已达数千只,然而还远远满足不了上亿只山羊杂交改良的要 求,需要进一步加快波尔山羊产业化开发的步伐。实践已经证明,无论是从生态、经济和社会作用上来看,还是从调整产业结构、改善人民生活、达到全民优生的需 要上来看,波尔山羊的发展前景既不是三年五年,也不是十年八年而是有着广阔的、长远的发展前景。可以这样说,波尔山羊的引进、快速扩繁和杂交利用,将会引 发我国肉用山羊业的一场革命和飞跃。


  • 作者 来源: 日期:2007-12-28 11:04:06
  • 出自于《波尔山羊网》
上世纪90年代,王厚军投资8000多元购回18只波尔仔羊,其中16只母仔羊、2只公仔羊;又投资6000多元建筑一幢300平方米标准化羊舍,购买 了《养羊学》、《饲料学》和《羊的疾病和防治》及《畜禽用药指南》等10多种专业书,刻苦学习钻研养羊技术。近10年,他自己亲手培育并向周边乡镇销售数 千只波尔山羊,年均收入都在2.5万元左右。新世纪开始,他先后帮助指导郑月甫、杨春舟等农户养波尔山羊360多只,比老品种山羊每公斤价格高1元至 1.2元。在王厚军的带动和帮助下,周边饲养波尔山羊50只以上的农户已达17户,100只以上的农户已达3户,有的农户已像王厚军一样走上了饲养波尔山 羊的致富路


  • 作者 来源: 日期:2007-12-28 19:04:48
  • 出自于《波尔山羊网》
目前,江苏省存栏波尔山羊种羊1000多只,居全国之首。 原产于南非的波尔山羊, 是世界著名的高品质瘦肉型山羊品种,体积大,增 重快,产肉多,世界各国对其需求量迅速增加。目前国内人均占有羊肉不足 2.5公斤,较之其它肉类,还存在巨大的消费潜力。与此同时,我国养羊业和 世界先进水平之间有较大差距,山羊平均胴体重仅为11公斤,居世界倒数第 二。因此,利用波尔山羊与本地羊杂交,加快山羊的品种改良步伐,是优化江苏 省畜牧业结构、增加农民收入的有效途径。
20世纪90年代中期,江苏开始引进波尔山羊,迄今已建立了1个波尔山 羊示范场、4个原种场和9个扩繁场,覆盖全省13个省辖市,其中以徐州、南京、宿迁、盐城等市居多。农民饲养一只波尔山羊,比本地羊增收80元左右。 另外,江苏省还形成集活羊交易、屠宰分割、冷冻贮藏、运输于一体的中国山羊交易城、东台安丰山羊交易市场等批发市场。启东、海门、睢宁、丰县等地,正在加大投入,兴建皮革加工厂和羊肉小包装生产线,向深加工挺进。


波尔山羊是 一个优秀的肉用山羊品种。该品种原产于南非,作为种用,已被非洲许多国家以及新西兰、 澳大利亚、德国、美国、加拿大等国引进。自1995年我国首批从德国引进波尔山羊以来,许多地区包括江苏 、山东等地也先后引进了一些波尔山羊,并通过纯繁扩群逐步向周边地区和全国各地扩展,显示出很好的肉 用特征、广泛的适应性、较高的经济价值和显著的杂交优势。

  波尔山羊毛色为白色,头颈为红褐色,并在颈部 存有一条红色毛带。波尔山羊耳宽下垂,被毛短而稀 。头部粗壮,眼大、棕色;口颚结构良好;额部突出,曲线与鼻和角的弯曲相应,鼻呈鹰钩状;角坚实,长 度中等,公羊角基粗大,向后、向外弯曲,母羊角细而直立;有鬃;耳长而大,宽阔下垂。 生长性能和品质: 成年波尔山羊公羊、母羊的体高分别达75厘米-90厘米和65厘米-75厘米,体重分别为95公斤-120公斤和 65公斤-95公斤。屠宰率较高,平均为48.3%。波尔山羊可维持生产价值至10岁,是世界上著名的生产高品质 瘦肉的山羊。此外,波尔山羊的板皮品质极佳,属上乘皮革原料。

  波尔山羊属非季节性繁殖家畜,一年四季都能发情配种产羔。母羊6月龄成熟,由于在秋季性激素水平 较高,故而春夏性活动较少。秋季为性活动高峰期,而春夏季性活动较少。据100头母羊的产羔结果,产单羔 者24头,双羔者58头,三羔者15头,四羔者1头。平均窝产羔数为1.93头。公羊6月龄成熟,在放牧的情况下平 均配种15头母羊;9月龄以上平均可配种30头母羊。高产羔率意味着提高了每头母羊和单位面积肉产量。

  波尔山羊是最耐粗和适应性最强的家畜品种之一。能适应南非各种气候地带,内陆气候、热带和亚热带 灌木丛、半荒漠和沙漠地区都表现生长良好。在干旱情况下,不供水和饲料,与其它动物相比存活时间最长。 有放牧习性,可采食小树和灌木以及其它动物不吃的植物。采食范围大,可高至160厘米的树叶和树皮,低至 10厘米的牧草。因而适于与牛混牧提高每公顷牧地的产肉量。



波尔山羊(Boer Goat)是目前世界上公认的肉用山羊品种,原产于南非,短毛,头部一般为红(褐)色并有广流星(白色条带),身体为白色,一般有圆色、耳大下垂。体躯结 构良好,四肢短而结实,背宽而平直,肌肉丰满,整个体躯圆厚而紧凑。羔羊初生重3-4kg,周岁平均日增重250克以上,6月龄公羊体重可达42kg,母 羊37kg,成年羊体重最高可达150kg,一般为110-145kg,波尔山羊繁殖性能优良,一般常年发情,7月龄即可配种,一年二胎或二年三胎,产羔 率180-200%左右。使用寿命长,生育年限为10年。出肉率52%以上,肉厚而不肥,肉质地致密、坚牢,可与牛皮相媲美。波尔山羊适应性极强,几乎适 合于各种气候条件饲养,在热带、亚热带、内陆甚至半沙漠地区均有分布,抗病力强,性情温顺、活泼好动,群居性强,易管理。用其改良本地山羊,杂交一代生长 速度快、产肉多、肉质好,体重比本地山羊提高50%以上,显示出很强的杂交优势,故被推荐为杂交肉羊生产的终端父系品种。引进纯种波尔山羊改良本地羊突出 表现在:经济效益好,按现行杂交一代种羊的市场价,1只母羊1年可生产二胎四只羊,每只羊至少可卖2000元,这样1只母羊每年可为农户创收8000元; 与养1头牛的饲料可养5只羊,而养1只羊的利润可抵3头牛。杂交本地羊,按肉食羊价格计算同样效益可观:繁殖率比普通羊高2倍;成年羊体重比同龄羊平均重 20-30公斤,高0.5-1倍,综合效益比饲养当地羊高2-3倍。

Malaysia underpinning live goat exports

Malaysia underpinning live goat exports

Live goat exports for the first nine months of 2007 totalled 62,331 head – up 103% year-on-year and the highest since 2002 (Australian Bureau of Statistics). Record numbers to Malaysia have underpinned shipments this year.

Strong demand for Australian goats from Malaysia has provided the impetus for the increased shipments during 2007. Exports to Malaysia for the first nine months of 2007 stood at a record 47,497 head, with very large shipments recorded during May (7,642 head), August (9,859 head) and September (6,663 head).

With another three months of shipments still remaining for the year, 2007 should see a new calendar year record set, surpassing the 52,755 head recorded in 2002. While Malaysia has dominated exports during 2007, taking 74% of total shipments, numbers to other markets have been inconsistent.

Indonesia remains the second largest destination for Australian goats in 2007, with 5,928 head, despite only taking shipments in May and June. Significant shipments throughout 2007 have also been sent to Thailand (2,300 head), Oman (1,874 head), Singapore (1,192 head), New Zealand (1,144 head) and Brunei (1,000 head).

The largest number of goats exported live during 2007 have been sourced from NSW (21,959 head), followed by SA (14,703 head), Queensland (9,515 head) and WA (9,219 head).

Australian live goat exports

Live export to Malaysia – know your obligations

The Malaysian market has led the recovery in Australian live goat exports over recent years and last year accounted for more than 77% of total live goat exports or about 69,500 of 89,000 goats exported. The majority of these goats are destined for slaughter however an increased proportion of exports are high value breeding stock.

The quantity of breeding animals required as well as increased demand for slaughter goats has resulted in good prices for appropriate goats in Australia and unprecedented interest by producers and exporters in the live goat trade. While this is to be encouraged, several important factors must be considered before committing to the trade as an exporter or producer.

Producer requirements

Australian producers have an important role to play in the presentation of animals for live export and this necessitates careful long-term planning.

Producers intending to supply the Malaysian market should be familiar with the various on-farm requirements covered in the Malaysian protocols and in the Australian Standards for the Export of Livestock*. They should also be aware of the requirements placed upon exporters and work with the exporter to meet these requirements. Several of these requirements are outlined below.

Exporter requirements

Goats can only be exported to Malaysia by export operators licensed with the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS). Producers can apply for a licence however this should not be undertaken lightly as the industry is tightly regulated. Most producers choose to work with an exporter who specialises in supplying goats to Malaysia.

Licensed live exporters are required to satisfy the conditions of the Australian Standards for the Export of Livestock* and meet Malaysia’s protocol requirements, as well as those of the importing customer.

Other issues that must be considered and carefully planned for before exporting goats to Malaysia or any other market are:

  • The availability of registered quarantine facilities;
  • The transport of the goats from the farm to the quarantine facility to ensure they arrive in optimal condition; and
  • The condition of the goats prior to loading to ensure they are in optimal condition for export.

Even with appropriate planning, producers and exporters need to be aware of several potential pitfalls to supplying the live export trade. These include:

  • Differing interpretation of regulations and specifications;
  • Exchange rate volatility; and
  • Flight or air transport delays.

The live goat trade plays an important role in underpinning livestock prices in the broader goat industry and was worth more than $11 million in 2007. The strict observance of regulations, such as those contained within the Australian Standards for the Export of Livestock*, will help ensure the maintenance of world’s best practices and a bright future for the industry.

Australia Live Goat Export

Australia has reinforced its position as the globally preferred supplier of quality live goats. Goats are exported from Australia according to worlds best practice to various countries with the vast majority going to Malaysia and Singapore via aircraft and ship. Australia exports about 40 – 50,000 goats per year.
Live goat exports by state

Renewed interest from Malaysia

Malaysia has traditionally been an important live export market for the Australian goat industry. The majority, about 90%, of the goats exported to Malaysia are destined for slaughter however recent interest in breeder animals has added a new and important dimension to the market.

This interest has come through the stimulus provided by a 5-year economic plan, known as the 9th Malaysian Plan, which was introduced in Malaysia in April 2006. Under this plan, Malaysia is committed to pursuing goat production self sufficiency through the importation of breeding does.

The breeding stock buying criteria is currently limited to Boer and Boer cross goats that demonstrate good characteristics, including colour, however an adequate supply of these animals is proving to be hard to come by.

Tight supply means good prices and this has been reflected in record sale yard prices, particularly for Boer goats. Demand for well bred and finished animals is expected to persist in the short term.

Australia’s world’s best practice for live export and attention to animal welfare are helping to reinforce this trade.

Segamat Flood-Dec 2007 (3)

Flood in Segamat 10-Dec-2007, evening (the worst so far)

Segamat Flood-Dec 2007 (2)

Info Banjir di Kg Tengah afternoon 10-Dec-2007